Create Your “Perfect Store” using 5 Ps Concept in Planogram

Planogram optimization is essential for retail success, and GLAIR Planogram Compliance offers a cutting-edge solution. By focusing on the 5Ps (Product, Placement, Pricing, Promotion, and Presentation), retailers can enhance the shopping experience and boost sales. GLAIR's technology provides high-accuracy reading, lightning-fast processing time, custom display recognition, and an integrated intelligent assistant, making it a standout solution for optimizing planogram compliance.
July 6, 2023

In the fast-paced world of retail, creating the perfect store that maximizes sales and captures the attention of customers is the ultimate goal. To achieve this, FMCG companies have embraced the power of the 5 Ps concept in planogram optimization. By implementing the 5 Ps concept in planogram optimization, retailers can create their "perfect store" that delights customers and drives business growth.

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What are the 5Ps in Planogram Optimization?

In the retail business, standing out from the competition and maximizing sales is essential. One powerful tool that retailers utilize is implementing the 5 Ps concept in planogram optimization. By strategically organizing and displaying products, retailers can enhance the shopping experience, attract customers, and boost sales. In this article, we will explore each of these elements, provide relevant statistics, and offer examples to illustrate their significance.


The first P in planogram optimization is Product. It involves carefully selecting the right products to include in your planogram. According to a study by SalesBeat, 70% of purchasing decisions are made on the shelf, highlighting the importance of having appealing and in-demand products. For example, in a planogram for a cosmetics store, including popular makeup brands and skincare essentials can attract customers and drive sales.


Placement refers to the strategic arrangement of products within the planogram. Statistics show that eye-level placement has a significant impact on sales, with products at eye level experiencing a 30% higher chance of being purchased compared to those placed on lower or higher shelves. For instance, placing high-margin items or impulse purchase items near the checkout counter can encourage last-minute purchases.


Pricing is a critical aspect of planogram optimization. It involves setting the right prices for products to drive sales and maintain profitability. According to research, 60% of consumers consider price as a key factor in their purchasing decisions. Implementing competitive pricing strategies can help retailers attract price-conscious customers. Offering discounts, bundle deals, or loyalty programs can also be effective in driving sales.


Promotion plays a vital role in creating awareness and generating interest in the products within a planogram. Effective promotional activities can increase customer engagement and ultimately boost sales. Statistics show that 72% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase if a product is on promotion. Examples of promotional activities include offering limited-time discounts, organizing product demonstrations, or implementing targeted advertising campaigns.


The final P in planogram optimization is Presentation, which focuses on the visual appeal of the planogram. A well-designed and visually appealing display can capture customers' attention and create a positive shopping experience. Studies indicate that 85% of shoppers believe color is the primary factor that influences their purchasing decisions. Retailers can enhance presentation through attractive signage, appealing packaging, and creative displays that align with seasonal or thematic themes.

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Unleashing the Power of the 5Ps Concept with GLAIR Planogram Compliance Tech

The 5P concept plays an important role in the success of any retail business. However, maintaining consistency and compliance across all of these areas can be very challenging. That's where GLAIR's planogram compliance technology comes in to save the day!

Now, you may be wondering, "What exactly is planogram compliance?" Simply put, it is the process of ensuring that products are displayed on store shelves according to a predefined planogram, which is a visual representation of how products should be laid out. This is very important for retailers because it maximizes sales, enhances customer experience, and enhances brand perception.

So how can GLAIR technology empower retailers to achieve planogram compliance? Well, their state-of-the-art solution combines artificial intelligence and computer vision to automate the process of monitoring and analyzing rack displays. This means that instead of relying on manual inspections, which can be time-consuming and error-prone, retailers can now leverage GLAIR technology to ensure compliance in a faster, more accurate, and more efficient way.

From multiple perspectives, GLAIR's planogram compliance technology brings several benefits. Let's consider the retailer's perspective. By using GLAIR solutions, retailers can reduce the time and effort spent on manual audits, allowing employees to focus on other important tasks. In addition, with accurate, real-time planogram compliance data, retailers can make informed decisions, optimize product placement, and implement effective marketing strategies. This ultimately leads to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

On the other hand, customers also benefit from planogram compliance. With products displayed as intended, it becomes easier for customers to find what they need, leading to a smoother shopping experience. In addition, a visually appealing display creates an inviting atmosphere, enhances the overall brand perception, and enhances customer loyalty.

The power of the 5P concept is undeniable when it comes to retail success. GLAIR's planogram compliance technology acts as a catalyst, enabling retailers to unleash the full potential of the 5Ps. With accurate data, automation, and real-time insights, businesses can optimize their product placement, improve customer experience and drive sales growth.

GLAIR planogram display

Why should you use GLAIR Planogram Compliance?

Let's take a closer look at what sets GLAIR Planogram Compliance apart from other solutions out there. With its advanced features and cutting-edge technology, GLAIR offers a comprehensive planogram compliance solution that can truly transform the way you manage your retail operations.

  • High Accuracy Reading: GLAIR Planogram Compliance achieves an impressive reading accuracy of up to 97%. This means that it can accurately detect and recognize products, even in complex retail environments.

  • Lightning-Fast Processing Time: When it comes to obtaining planogram compliance results, speed matters. GLAIR delivers rapid processing times, generating compliance reports in less than 15 seconds. This efficiency allows retailers to save valuable time and allocate resources more effectively.

  • Custom Display Recognition: GLAIR goes beyond standard displays by offering custom display recognition. Whether it's a cooler, rack, chiller, or any other type of display, GLAIR's technology can identify and assess compliance accurately. This flexibility ensures that retailers can maintain planogram compliance across diverse store layouts and showcase configurations.

  • Integrated Intelligent Assistant: To make accessing information even easier, GLAIR Planogram Compliance is integrated with a ChatGPT-like intelligent assistant. This assistant provides a user-friendly interface for retailers to interact with the system, retrieve compliance data, and gain valuable insights. The integration of intelligent assistant technology enhances the overall user experience and streamlines information retrieval processes.



Planogram optimization is a crucial aspect of retail success, and the 5Ps concept provides a framework for achieving it. GLAIR Planogram Compliance technology offers a cutting-edge solution to help retailers unleash the power of the 5Ps and drive sales growth. With high-accuracy reading, lightning-fast processing time, custom display recognition, and an integrated intelligent assistant, GLAIR stands out from other solutions in the market.

With GLAIR Planogram Compliance, retailers can unlock the full potential of the 5Ps, optimize their retail operations, and stay ahead of the competition. So, if you're ready to take your planogram compliance to the next level, check out GLAIR Planogram Compliance for more information and statistics on the impact of their technology.

planogram display
Written by Handika Tandinata
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